What does WordPress 3.9 have in store…

What does WordPress 3.9 have in store…

WordPress 3.9 should land around April 16th

What will it do for you? The focus appears to be on the visual editor which is to be updated with noticeable changes including;

  • Drag and drop images from your computer direct to the editor
  • A gallery preview where you can finally see the images in situ

Yes you can already drag and drop images to the media uploader but this new approach streamlines that by being able to drop images straight into what you’re typing. Furthermore you can also crop and make simple edits to the photo in situ.

Other changes are on a similar theme; making the editing interface more direct. There will be the new capability to easily create audio and video playlists in a similar fashion to how you make galleries from images. This should be really useful for our clients in the musical industry! Lastly widgets (typically used to pop content into sidebars and footers) will be able to be previewed in the backend before committing changes.





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